Monday, July 28, 2008

Who signed me up for this?

Ok, so why did I get the Guild Newsletter from the Jewish Guild for the Blind from New York City? It was mailed to me in Boston.

No. seriously, I don't know any blind Jewish people.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

I love pressure, I eat it for breakfast!

I don't think that I've had so much stress in my life ever. I mean, if I tell myself any lie at all about why I have the job that I do, I would say, "Ginger, you wanted a low pressure job." Because selling shoes should be, right? But it's not.
I am making more money now than I every have and I'm in the greatest debt of my life. How did I get increasingly irresponsible with a greater and greater income? It's almost as if they are indirectly proportionate to each other.
It's more than just work and money though. I thought everything was straightened out with the roommates, but it's not. Someone backed out on us. I don't need this.
I am so stressed that my neck and shoulder are so tense that I can't fully turn my head to the right. AND I have to do it slowly so that I don't get this shooting pain thru my head, neck and back.
I'm not eating. CAN YOU F-ING BELIEVE THAT?!? I'm not eating!
Do you know that song by Abba, Money, Money, Money? It's my new theme song.
The worst of it is that I know that I will never have a blow-up or breakdown. I am not that person. I will keep taking it. And I don't wonder how much more I can take because I know that I will always take it. Something deep inside won't allow me to put up with someone taking advantage, but if it's just bad luck or bad situations, I will keep taking it. There is no straw that can break this camel's back. So I will never know release. I will never feel like I can be free from it. It will never end.
Stress rage much?

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Stop with the metaphors.

Ugh, getting on facebook was a bad idea. Do you have any idea how embarassing it is when you see that someone from high school that you didn't have a very high opinion of is now a lawyer? And then! They might find out that you haven't accomplished ANYTHING? If you can't imagine how that feels, let me help you out - it sucks.
Meanwhile, Mr. AC is slow about responding and I'm thinking that I don't really ... crank his heat up. So back to match.

Monday, July 21, 2008

3 day waiting period crap

Whew, he emailed. But I'm not so sure that it's such a good thing because he took so long.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Back to Match

Uh oh ... Mr. AC didn't call back. Darn.

Sunday, July 13, 2008


So one guy has stopped calling me, which is a good thing. Another has not called me in a week, so that may be tapering off ... which is ok. He's nice, but no romantic feeling.
A third guy called me on Tues night and we talked for 2 hours. Very fun. And he has just now sent me a funny email. I like him and I may call him myself today. Wish me luck.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

I really do have thick, luxurious hair.

So the other day, I'm in the shower washing my hair. Per usual, as I rinse the shampoo out, I'm shedding terribly and have a handful of hair. As I open my hand, I spot something that is different, something so different that in a sea of near-black hairs with the occassional coppery streak, it cannot help but be noticed. I will not say what color it was, but it was not a color that I want on my head.

The little traitor.

Still I'm only 29 years old.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

7 dates so far ...

2nd date with another guy.