Tuesday, March 30, 2010

March Madness

So I'm still looking for a new job. I've found some good leads, but who knows what my chances are. They all want you to apply online but I hate doing that because I feel like I get lost in the electronic shuffle. On the other hand, mailing in a resume is so old school and sometimes NOT even an option. What I really need are personal connections. Hmmm ...
I also need to think about what other fields I can apply in. I've tried shoe companies and I've tried museums/art galleries. So what else can I do? Any suggestions?
I really want an MBA and to try consulting in management. But then I actually have to go to school and get that MBA. Sucks. My sister suggested Project Management certification. Actually, my roommate did too. It's mostly used in technical, computer-y fields but it's considered one of the "hottest" certifications to get. And my sister says that the one they hired doesn't know anything technical at all. She's basically just a glorified, well-paid AV club. Still ...
So if you have any suggestions of jobs that I should apply for, I would be happy to hear them.

Meanwhile, we got a new store manager finally. She's probably going to start next week. It's kinda exciting.

In other news, I have a show this Friday. I'm still training at the gym and doing well. Total weight loss, 11 pounds, and they feel permanent. And I'm just wrapping up the script that I was supposed to be writing for Casey. I should be putting the final touches on it today. Busy day today - we'll see how it goes.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Lists. You know I'm fond of lists.

So things that I just need to change in my life:

1. my job.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

genki nai

I feel ooogy. Someone help me.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Genki, ne!

I really need to change the picture. I'm not sure I like it anymore.

I'm still recovering from my sinus infection; I just have a sore throat now. It's lingered for a while. I was supposed to have a regular doctor visit in March but I put off scheduling it until I had my schedule and now the soonest thing that they have is April. Boo. I may call and ask if I should be concerned that the sore throat is still lingering. I think it's really just post-nasal drip.

Now that I've disgusted you enough with my health problems, let me tell you about the awesome party that I had. Yes, that's right! You heard right! Ginger finally had an awesome party.

After years of horrible luck with parties, I reneged on my previous vow NEVER to have another party and decided to have a Japanese theme party. This was an idea that I BLATANTLY stole from Kalpana and her husband. They posted pictures of a Japanese party that they had to which someone came as GODZILLA. Well, I wanted THAT! So I decided to try it.

Whadya know? People came. It was amazing. We had me, dressed in my taiko drumming outfit, Kati as Kungfu Panda (yes, I know it's Chinese, but she was too attracted to the prospect of being both awesome and attractive), Jason in his Thai outfit, John in a Chinese shirt (I think it was hemp), Cynthia as a Sushi Roll (very awesome!), Jillian as a Pokemon warrior, and Jessica in a full kimono with wig (wicked awesome!). Kristen, my new roommate, was there too, as an American tourist (yeah, she just wore normal clothes). Oh no, wait, Patrick, from my improv troupe, also came in normal clothes, but he claims he ate a Japanese man on the way over, so I guess it was some kind of Godzilla impersonation. I'm not gonna question it. The important thing is ... PEOPLE CAME! Amazing. Really it is.

I made teriyaki, tempura, and sushi rolls. I almost went over board. Sure I have lots of raw vegetables in the fridge now, but at least I didn't have to throw it away (just yet). We also had edamame (soy beans), wasabi peas (yuck), and Pocky sticks. Very Japanese.

For fun, I borrowed my mom's karoake machine. Believe it or not, this is super extremely fun and not just cause I love it. It's the kind of thing that people can really get into. And if you sing some of the songs in a Japanese or German accent, it's hilarious. Of course, not everyone is confident enough to do this, but those are the people who love Apples to Apples.

After hearing people rave fanatically about this game, I thought it might be just the thing. Well, people stayed til after midnight on a Sunday night playing this game. Good times. I drank half a (BIG) bottle of sake. Thank God, I live here. I was a little bit hung over the next day.

If you'd like, there are pictures on facebook. Enjoy. And if you're thinking of having a party, think Japanese.