Thursday, October 4, 2007

I think he IS dead.

You know, I loves me some dream analysis.

So last night, I had a dream that I was at work and things were crazy mainly cause my fish died. Yep, the ones in the fish tank. So I'm running around all over the place, taking care of multiple things and everyone talking 'bout the fish dyin and "what are we gonna do, Ginger?" Eventually, I head over to one of the other stockrooms and walk in looking for something and who do you think is there?

Ronald and Nancy Reagan.

Not Old Ron and Nancy either, but a little bit younger ... think when they first took the presidency. Yep.

I kinda tip-toed around them, trying to think what is the proper etiquette for running into ex-presidents in a stockroom, but they paid me no mind. They were talking to one of the other managers from work. So I headed back to my department to tell my team that an ex-president is at work and get this?

They don't know who he is.

Ummmm ... I've been having some trouble deciphering this one. The best that I can come up with is that I'm stressed out at work. What do you think?

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