Tuesday, January 8, 2008

I got crabs at Dick's.

What is going on in my life? Well, a lot. Let me tell you, AY-LOT! Yessirree, bob, a lot.

First of all, I had a date. That's 13 down, 2 to go. Yeah, I'm at the point now where I'm just trying to get these done. It's like the night before your term paper is due and you're just banging that thing out and you don't care if it's good or bad, just done. I'm intently researching dating options now. I'm putting myself out there boldly, in fact, callously, just to get this thing overwith. I'm being aggressive about it. I'm sure it's not attractive.

As for the date: it was bland. Insipid. While he was a nice guy and as much into television as I am (you thought that didn't exist, didn't you, Jen?) there was just no spark. I was talking to someone about it later and she agreed entirely that you have to have spark and you WILL feel it immediately. If it hadn't happened to me before, I wouldn't believe it. But now, I have no interest in someone who doesn't create spark. Yeah, so back to the internet.

The internet is turning into a pretty good place to meet people. Craigslist is nice because it's free and there ARE normal people on there. You just have to play the odds with it. You pick an ad, you meet the person, you see if it's a match. It's a bit like playing Old Maid. Ha ha, get it, Old Maid ... like me ... oh god.

I happened to meet a girl, who placed an ad on CL just for some single gals who wanted to be friends. I met up with her and had dinner. She was nice and we might hang out again sometime. We went to Dick's Last Resort downtown and the waitress made me a hat that said, "Lookin' for a 1 night stand." So, yeah, that's one way to meet people. I saved the hat.

I've been toying with the idea of match.com again. Some friends of mine have had luck with it. But I'd rather not waste money. I think I'm going to try Single Volunteers again, and I'll try something new, like the Young Professionals group. One good group that I've done a couple of times is called Boston Link Up. That's actually really cool. I haven't met too many people with it, but I like the idea of it, so I'm gonna stick with it.

Finally, I'm back into improv. I wanted to sign up for the Level 2 class at my nearest improv training ground, but after much back-and-forthing, it turned out that there wasn't any room for me in the class of my choice. So I could wait til the next session or take the Level 1 class. I went to the Level 1 class. To be honest, I was dreading it. I was so afraid that I was going to spend the next 4 weeks with someone who couldn't understand that "yes, but" was actually a denial. Or someone who thinks that he/she is funny and isn't. Or worse, thinks that being funny is far better than learning what improv is all about. As it turns out, my class was smart and funny. They actually knew what they were doing. So I'm going to stick with it. Once I got into the classs, I found that I missed it so much that I couldn't NOT do it. So ... maybe this will be another venue to find dates.

Because that's really what it's all about. Our purpose in life. To find dates. 2 more to go.


Rob Hoffmann said...

Is "banging that thing out" an appropriate phrase in a post about the dating challenge?

I'm not saying, I'm just saying... :)

And if our purpose in life is to find dates... oh, man, have I screwed up my life... :)

Ginger said...

It's an appropriate metaphor. Hence the title of the post.

No, I'm just joking.