Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Luck of the Irish or Ides of March

I am falling apart at the seams. Today, I went to see why my tooth was still bothering me after the onlay, and do you know? I ended up getting a root canal. yeah, a root canal. Like I don't have enough health issues to worry about.

I finally did my taxes (don't get too excited, I only did the federal ones). That was tedious and I only get a $67 return. Boo. But the good news is that doing my taxes took my mind off the throbbing pain in my jaw.

I still have to do Mass taxes and MD taxes, for being part-year in both. I had to do a MD tax return for two years ago because I filed under a MD address, even though I only lived in MD for 16 days. It actually wouldn't be a problem, except that my work didn't take taxes out of my paycheck for those 16 days for MD. Or, at least I couldn't find any record that they did. So I have to do some research on that. Boo!

And all of this serves only to remind me of how little money I have and how much I'm going to need. Yeah, health issues suck.

On the other hand, I went out for St. Patty's day. You know, it's kind of a big deal around here.

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