Monday, July 12, 2010


It's so painful. I have shingles. Oh god, it's so painful. I think it would be less painful if it wasn't in my hair, cause that makes it feel like prickly needles. Or on my ear, cause that just itches like crazy.
You don't know about shingles? Try Wikipedia. It's my new best friend. It actually ended up being the best resource. Those medical websites had way too many ads and read like they were afraid of telling me too much. Maybe cause doctors are tired of patients self-diagnosing from the internet. Boo hoo. Excuse me for being informed.
I did go to the doctor. And to be fair, MY doctor doesn't treat me like that. Other doctors in the practice have, but not her. She gave me an anti-viral medication and offered me narcotics for the pain. But I said no to the narcotics. They don't agree with me. They make me get all panicky and nauseous. She said ibuprofen would work just as well.
Meanwhile? I still went to work Sat night. I still performed in the show Friday night. I still went to a barbecue yesterday. I'm still going to practice tonight. My boss called though and told me not to come to work. She said that she'd rather I feel better for the upcoming sale than try to trooper through. Ok. That's fine. No really, additional words are not necessary; saying it one time was more than sufficient. I think I have tomorrow off too.
Anyhoo, the rash should be clearing up by the end of this week. God, I hope so. Not only is it painful, it's hideous. Don't look at me - I'm hideous. And don't TOUCH IT! It feels disgusting. Little hard, raised bumps. ugghhh, so gross.
I called my mom and told her and it took me a while to explain that I had SHINGLES, not SINGLES. She said that she was glad that I had explained it because she always wondered about that.

Finally, a word to corporate America: Yes, you do have to contact the applicants and let them know what's going on. Thank you.

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