Thursday, September 23, 2010

My next show is Oct 1 - I'm directing!

I really hate being broke. Sigh.

So I had a 2nd interview for a job. I'll be hearing about it by the end of next week. Keep your fingers crossed for me. In the process, I got a $25 parking ticket. Thank you, Boston. I missed it by 4 minutes. Argh.
Thankfully, I am still high from my vacation, so I'm coasting along on that for a while. We'll see how long it lasts. I would really like to put together a video of the trip. I have this Saturday off, so maybe I can finish it then. Unless the weather is nice, in which case I'll be outside, doing something. Maybe finding cannolis.
Plus, I still want to do a video of the gals' visit in May. Got it all waiting for me on my computer. Just have to get to it.
Meanwhile, I've been keeping busy with working out. Why? Because it doesn't cost money other than that monthly fee (which I might have to cut if I don't get a new job soon). And I want to lose weight (also a great way to save money). I'm hoping to get to 180 by Mesha's wedding. I've only got 3 more pounds to go and the wedding is Oct 9. Totally doable. At 183, fyi, total weight loss is 21 pounds.
London helped me get over the weight loss plateau (all that walking). I had been hovering at 185 for over a month. I did kick in to dieting a little so that helped. I intend to keep it up til the wedding. Now the question is what to wear? I have a cute dress, but it's peach and looks rather like spring. I have another dress that is super cute, but it's torn. I tried to patch it but I'm not sure how good a job I did AND I have to dry-clean it. Money I don't have.

I better find something soon.

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