The gals visited last weekend. We had a fabulous time! Of course, we did. It's what we do. We did a little sight-seeing. We had some clam chowda. We, sorry, I got a little drunk. I still suck at flirting. We also walked 14 miles. Don't believe me? Screw you. We did. It was so hot that day too. Also, there was no potable water. Boston was under a boil water order. As it turns out, the water was safe to drink all along, but the governor didn't want to take chances. It gave a lot of people the excuse to have parties and drink alcohol because there wasn't anything else to drink. The girls finished off their visit by coming to see me practice improv, which I loved and later prompted about 3 of them to ask if Jen was single and all of them to ask exactly what a competitive analyst does.
P.S. I lost a whole pound from all that walking.
P.P.S. I got your note, Leanne.
They were also here when I went to the temp agency to interview. It was just a preliminary interview to see what I was looking for and what I might be a good fit for. I'm optimistic about it and I really liked that the agency was honest with me. So here's hoping that goes well. I am still looking on my own and I might even try another agency. That is what they recommended.
As it turns out, they made me switch departments at work. The new department is ok. The best part of about it is the complete lack of responsibility that I have. I love it! It's literally not my problem any more. Awesome! Of course, I don't plan to stay there; I am looking for something outside of retail, but in the meanwhile, it's ok. Here's hoping I find something good soon.
On Friday night, we had a show. It was the final show for one of our players (quite possibly the best). He's awesome and we will surely miss him. We'll plagiarize his characters often, of course. But he's going on to things that he's excited about and that's always a good thing.
But that's when I got the bad news. My sister and dad had actually left messages for me right as the show started (which I checked) but since they didn't say what it was, I thought it was best to wait until after the show to call back. It's not good to have distractions. I'm glad I did, but I feel guilty about it now.
My mom had a heart attack. She's fine. It was mild and they got to the hospital in plenty of time. For what it was, she's going to be ok. They are doing a cath on Monday to check her heart. She's in the hospital right now so they can watch her. With her history of high blood pressure, and she's had a heart murmur her whole life, that was probably the best thing to do. The hard part will be getting her to take it easy when she gets home. According to my dad, she was most upset about missing out on Mother's Day for her flower business. She made my dad promise that he would sell while she was in the hospital.
I'm going down on Wednesday. I'll stay for a few days to make sure that she doesn't over do it. It sucks getting older. Not just because of all the things it does to you (could we have walked all 20 miles?) but because everything around you gets older too and sometimes we're not so prepared for that. It's a shocking realization that your parents aren't permanent. Another milestone for all the B-day Gals.
So what did I do after the show? I went out for Chinese with the rest of them. After all, we should live every day as if it were our last.
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