Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Life's little annoyances

Good news - Mom is perfectly fine. They did a cath AND they went in thru the esophagus, taking pictures above and below the heart and they couldn't find any damage. She has a little bit of plaque build-up on the top of her heart, but not enough that it would have caused a blockage or clot. So ... they don't know what caused the heart attack. Great. That's actually not as comforting as you might think. They have some theories, but really there isn't anything more to do. Just go back to your every day lives.
I went down this past weekend and stayed for 5 days. It was nice. My mother was participating in a community yard sale and selling her flowers on Saturday, so I helped with that. The other days she just watered her garden. Trying to get her to rest is near impossible. In fact, I think she over-did it in an effort to show me that she's perfectly fine. We did have a minor blow-up where she got herself worked up because she wanted to get things loaded for the yard sale early. She thinks it's business as usual, but me and Dad were trying to make her understand that things are different now. No, she doesn't agree.
I enjoyed the visit. I had some blue crabs (although they were very small). I had some Carl's ice cream. Plus Mom and Dad made steaks. Yeah ... healthy eating. We don't know what that is in the Russell family.
You know, you think you miss certain things about home. Or maybe there are things you don't miss, but you remember them and you're grateful you don't have to endure them anymore. Like I miss blue crabs. I don't miss the humidity. I miss Carl's ice cream. I don't miss yardwork. But then there are the things that you forgot about.
Like mosquitoes. When you live in Virginia, they're just a part of life. They mean summer. You learn that the little ones are actually worse than the big ones. And then when you don't have to deal with mosquitoes anymore, you forget. You forget about how they feel when they touch down on your skin, that little twinge right before you realize you got bitten. And then when you go back and experience it, you think, "how did I live like this? It's INHUMANE."
Or Daddy Long Legs. Again, just a part of life. A needless, annoying, freaky-outy part of life. I was cleaning my Mom's house, and I thought I noticed a hair on my shirt. When I looked down to brush it off, it was a Daddy Long Legs. You'd think they were paying the mortgage in that house.
Here I am back in Watertown, back to my every day life. Which I really do need to concentrate on a little more.

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