Monday, November 9, 2009

185 BoA customers walk into a bar and the bartender says that he can't serve them, and they all say, "That's ok; we're used to being screwed."

For those of you who know ANYTHING about me, you'll be happy to know that I've auditioned for and gotten into an improv troupe! I'm very excited. It's something I kinda had to push myself to do and I wouldn't have been able to do it without some encouragement from some of you out there! (Thanks, Mesha and Rob).
So, wish me a broken leg, and maybe you'll see me on the stage sometime.

In other news ... well ... what the hell have I been doing with myself? Well, improv. I also have been writing a little. Casey, the guy who filmed the Sauron shorts, has a great idea for a more serious film, kind of a psycho-thriller. I've been trying to hash some of that out.

Work has been busy; we have a sale going on right now. I finally have an assistant, which makes work much easier, although I'm short-staffed. I've been hanging out with friends, which is always nice. No dating. Now that we're in sale and holiday mode, I've gotten off It's too hard to try to meet new people when I'm not really able to get away from work. But, as I said, I have been hanging out with friends. Kati from work invited me to Avenue Q, which was HI-larious, and gave me kind of a thing for puppets. I know ... it's weird. But I'm obsessed with learning puppeteering.

I've also been having money troubles. Not that I'm broke, but I just seem to be having a run of bad luck with banks. I guess with the recession on, they need someone to pick on. Booo!!! especially BoA. They really suck.

You know, I didn't ask if the improv troupe pays. Oh well. It's nothing new if they don't.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Life's little mysteries.

Yeah, been busy with work. Sorry for not updating. One should be coming soon.

Meanwhile, I got my hair trimmed today. And now I'm wondering how is it possible that little cut hairs end up inside my bra. That's weird.