Thursday, May 26, 2011

BDay Gals Boston 2010

The girls visited me in Boston in May 2010. ;We toured Boston and then we did the Walk for Hunger.

Monday, May 9, 2011

What have I BEEN DOING!!!!

I opened a store. That's what I've been doing. That's why I haven't been on here in a while. I know things that I didn't know I knew. I learned'em. I'm good at that, learning stuff.

Anyway, that's not why I got on my blog. This is why. I read an article that confirmed what I predicted: the middle class is disappearing.

We're spiraling into a corporate-sponsored oligarchy that, with any luck, will lead to a peaceful revolt in the form of the masses finally tearing up their credit cards.

One can only dream.

Monday, February 28, 2011


I wrote a movie. Yes, I did. I know! Crazy, right? I can't believe it myself. Unbelievable.
What's it like? It's good. It's pretty damn good. It sucks you in and wraps you up. You feel what the characters are feeling. The dialogue is realistic and to the point. (I did that.)
In the end, you can tell that it's a low-budget independent film. But what you have to admit is that it's a captivating story and it makes you take the journey and suspend your disbelief.
He did a great job. Casey did a fantastic job. I am truly blown away by what he was able to accomplish in such a short time, on such a small budget, with such a small (but dedicated) group of people. Talk about resourceful. I am awestruck.
It's available on DVD. Please buy a copy. The proceeds from sales will go towards the cost of entering the film in festivals. If you need proof that this is a legitimate film, check us out on imdb.
That's right, bitches! IMDB!!!

I wrote a movie and it's on IMDb. I didn't even know that was on my bucket list, til I got it. Next stop,


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

We've got spirit, yes we do!

So my 20 year HS reunion is coming up. wow. 20 years. I really can't believe it. You know for four lousy years, it's amazing how much of an impact it had and has ever since. It becomes a sort of yardstick that we measure our lives by - 10 years since we graduated, 20 years since we graduated, 50, 100, whatever.
Why is high school the milestone? I know that some people have college reunions, but we really don't mythologize college reunions like we do high school reunions. How come we need to compare ourselves to everyone else we went to high school with? What do I mean by compare? Well, have you ever had a high school reunion by yourself? It's no fun, unless everyone else is there. Why are they there? To compare yourself to. "How far did I come?" you're thinking. "Did I do better than that person?" "Do I look better?" "Are they better?" "Are WE better?" See ... we compare ourselves.
Maybe I should try finding another milestone of adulthood to celebrate. How about the 20th anniversary of the time I lost my virginity? They'll only be two of us, but probably a better chance of having a good time (wink wink). How about the 20th anniversary of my first root canal? That's another 18 years from now - no telling what my tooth will look like. Aha! the 20th anniversary of the purchase of my first car. That really was the first time I felt like an adult.
Well, I guess those would be pretty lonely; I'd be mostly by myself (well, except for the virginity thing but I never even got that guy's last name.)
In any event, I plan to lose another 20 pounds by the reunion. It's July 9 (I think). I'm already supposed to meet up with my high school best friend, Amy. She has lots to be proud of - a great husband, beautiful kids, her dream job, and she runs now. Like a lot. She's always posting her times on Facebook. This was the girl who wanted to avoid sweating when I knew her in high school. If I had to compare myself to her, I'd have to admit that I haven't changed that much.
I guess that's what it really is. I don't feel like I've changed all that much. Maybe I need to go to find out if I have.
Go Wolverines!