Thursday, September 23, 2010

My next show is Oct 1 - I'm directing!

I really hate being broke. Sigh.

So I had a 2nd interview for a job. I'll be hearing about it by the end of next week. Keep your fingers crossed for me. In the process, I got a $25 parking ticket. Thank you, Boston. I missed it by 4 minutes. Argh.
Thankfully, I am still high from my vacation, so I'm coasting along on that for a while. We'll see how long it lasts. I would really like to put together a video of the trip. I have this Saturday off, so maybe I can finish it then. Unless the weather is nice, in which case I'll be outside, doing something. Maybe finding cannolis.
Plus, I still want to do a video of the gals' visit in May. Got it all waiting for me on my computer. Just have to get to it.
Meanwhile, I've been keeping busy with working out. Why? Because it doesn't cost money other than that monthly fee (which I might have to cut if I don't get a new job soon). And I want to lose weight (also a great way to save money). I'm hoping to get to 180 by Mesha's wedding. I've only got 3 more pounds to go and the wedding is Oct 9. Totally doable. At 183, fyi, total weight loss is 21 pounds.
London helped me get over the weight loss plateau (all that walking). I had been hovering at 185 for over a month. I did kick in to dieting a little so that helped. I intend to keep it up til the wedding. Now the question is what to wear? I have a cute dress, but it's peach and looks rather like spring. I have another dress that is super cute, but it's torn. I tried to patch it but I'm not sure how good a job I did AND I have to dry-clean it. Money I don't have.

I better find something soon.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Imagine that I'm saying this with an English accent.

London was absolutely charming, darling. I absolutely loved it. I can't wait to post my photos on Facebook, so that everyone can see what an absolutely smashing time that we had. Really. It was good times with a good friend. I mean, that's what it's all about, innit?

Highlights? Of course, darling. Here they are (in no particular order):

The London Eye
Tower of London - brilliant Yeoman Warder who gave us a proper tour
Festival on the Thames, featuring spectacular fireworks - absolutely brilliant way to end the summer, innit?
Parliament (of course)
Buckhingham Palace (of course)
Westminister Abbey (of course)
St. Paul's Cathedral - quick fact! It is not Catholic.
Seeing the Magna Carte at the British Library - completely unexpected and absolutely brill!
Seeing a show at a West End theat"RE" - made us feel like proper West End girls. (What did we see? "Love Never Dies," the sequel to "Phantom of the Opera" - quite nice)
The Rosetta Stone and Parthenon Friezes at the British Museum, along with an explanation of why they are NOT returning the friezes to Greece. Hmph!
Afternoon High Tea - clotted cream, I love you. Will you marry me?
Abbey Road - bit of a letdown, really
National Gallery - made all of those Art History courses finally worth it!
Running in St. James' Park - not nearly as lovely as running along the Thames.
Showerhead at our hotel - God, 5-star hotels are lovely.

Well, there's actually quite bit more, but we'll leave it at that. I had a lovely time visiting with an old friend (I don't mean the queen) and just getting away from it all. I came back to the equally lovely news of a 2nd interview for a job. Really quite nice, innit?

Take care, cheerio, and all that rot! Bob's your uncle.

Monday, September 6, 2010

I'm psychic and underemployed.

Oh my god! I seem to remember predicting this - the loss of the middle class. Huffington Post featured that article today, of all days, Labor Day.

Does anyone remember that I predicted that? Didn't I do that? Yes, I think I did.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Newest Annoyance

I know, I haven't updated in a while. I prolly shouldn't say that because it might be a while til I update again. And then whatever argument I make for not updating for a while will just seem tawdry.

Newest annoyance? Yesterday, I wore a pair of capri pants that I purchased the last time I lost so much weight. Weight Watchers 2003. They're cute pants. Anyhoo, I had actually dug them out earlier this summer and been wearing them since. They were snug at first but they are fitting better and better everytime I wear them. And then yesterday, there was this thing.

See, when you lose weight and pants become too big for you, most of them are too big everywhere, so they just sag everywhere. You spend all day pulling them up or you wear a belt that bunches the pants up or ... whatever. You make do. But when you're wearing a pair of fitted pants that were probably a little too tight when you first started wearing them anyway, you have a different experience.

Yesterday, I put them on, I went to work, and right as I got to work, I thought, "Hey! I think my zipper's down." You know? How they just feel a little too "roomy" right around your belly paunch? So, since I was right at the entrance, and we have security cameras everywhere, I did that non-chalant hand brush across the front of my belly to see if my fly was open. It wasn't. Whew.

I started my shift, I took care of customers, I spent a good amount of time sitting. And then it was lunch. So I got up, got my purse and headed to the lunch room, and then I got that "roomy" feeling again. So I did another covert belly rub - I felt like the lucky Buddha. Nope, all good. Well, I had to check. When you're sitting, sometimes that happens - your belly gets a little paunchier, so your zipper could react! But no, I was safe.

Then I went to lunch. And dammit, as soon as I got up from sitting, I felt that "roominess" again! And I was sitting out at our cafe, right in front of everybody, so you know I was not going to rub my belly paunch in front of everybody. That's when it occurred to me why I was feeling it ... because my pants are roomy right there ... because I don't have so much of a belly paunch any more.

After I figured it out, it didn't bother me so much. It's just funny to me that I was so annoyed about it. Really funny.