Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Can of worms

Whew! Busy. Getting ready for Xmas - I just barely got my Xmas shopping done. And Kati and I kept meaning to get together, but it's Dec 23 before we can finally make it happen. And then I'll drive home on Dec 24. Where I will stay for almost a whole week. I can't believe it. Can I tell you that I will enjoy every minute? Time is a luxury - I hope you appreciate that.

Yeah, that means I am no longer working at former place of employment. I didn't tell many people when my last day was. In fact, it wasn't supposed to be last Sunday, it was supposed to be tomorrow, but somehow wires were crossed and I got cut off. This means that I shall have to buy my brother-in-law's present at full price! Scandalous. I'm not sure I even know how to read the price tag without automatically taking the discount off. Seven years of internal math will do that to you. That whole thing is typical of why I got so tired of the place at the end.

It was a fine place. Some very good people. But there were idiots too - both fellow employees and customers. My sister would have me believe that every workplace has these problems, these idiots working there. But I like to hold on to the dream that somewhere out there is a place where only sensible, clever, and fun people work. A place where team work is second nature. Where people aren't afraid to do something that's outside of their job description.

Well, I love where I work now. Ummm ... I don't know if it's the dream. But we'll see.

Meanwhile, I cleaned out some of the former place of employment memorabilia. For example, I have a small purse that I used for the last 7 years specifically for my old job. It started out that I needed a bag 5" x 7" or smaller to carry things to work: lunch money, necessities, etc. We weren't allowed to take anything larger than 5 x7 into the store. So I had a small purse, given to me by a friend in Japan, measuring almost exactly 5 x 7 that I used. I kept money, fingernail clippers and nail file, feminine hygiene products (when necessary), contact info, and business cards in it. I never cleaned it out, except when I got new business cards. I would replace the old ones with the updated ones with a new address, number, etc. I also kept the business cards of other employees. Like MaryAnn, when she got her Customer Service award, she got new business cards that said "Customer Service All-Star." I kept one. Or Pam Henderson, who gave me a card, with her personal number on the back, just in case I'd need to call her to cover a shift or something. I also have a post-it that has my very first official job offer for a management position. A post-it! Can you believe it? Would you like to know how much I started out making?
$20,808 base salary + $10,192 in commission = $31,000 average yearly salary
not including overtime and bonuses, and the maximum per month for the bonus was $1734. My sales per hour expectation was $35.

That's what the post-it said. In case you're interested, I did make bonuses, and I ended up making quite a bit more than the post-it said. At first, I forgot the post-it was in there. But then I found it and I kept it, to remind me of how far I had come. Plus it represented good times, a good job, a good boss. I did very well when I first started. Well, ever since. As it turns out, for the six years that I was a manager, I only missed my bonus 5 times. I bonused every other month that we were able to sell. There is a caveat though. For the whole first year that I was in Boston, I didn't bonus, because I didn't have last year figures to compare to and the plan was impossibly high. Maybe that was the beginning of the end.

Yeah, I think you could rightly call that the beginning of the end.

I really liked being instantly rewarded for having done a good job, whether with money or with recognition. Somewhere in the end, it just stopped happening for some reason. I guess I felt like I wasn't ever getting rewarded. It was not a good time, not a good job, not a good boss.

Ok, I'll say it. She wasn't a good boss. She thinks she was. Other people think she was - think she IS. She's able to fudge her way through it because she's pushy. And pushy works on most people. But it doesn't work on everybody. Her inability to recognize that is why she wasn't so great.

Well, she's been gone a while, so that's over. Aw heck - it's all over. It's a little sad.
But it's over.

Sunday, December 12, 2010


oh em gee, it's been so long since I've updated. And I was trying to be better about it.

Do you like my new blog pic? I Pop-Arted myself. I'm rather proud of it. I had taken photos of myself because I had gotten my make-up done by the MAC girls in a Mad Men fashion. I got my makeup done because I was supposed to go this theme party where people dress up pre-1960's. I was going to go when my closing shift ended at the store. I didn't go because I found out during the middle of my shift that I had to stay an hour later than I thought. The store extended its hours. If you're asking yourself why I'm still working there, you must be reading my mind. I just have to get through the craziness of the holidays and then I'll quit and live a normal life.

Whenever I think about that, I sigh. I get kind of a glazed look in my eye, and I look up and slightly to the right, you know, in that far-away way. "Normal ... it must be so grand!" I whisper. People must think I'm weird.

Other normal things that I've been doing:
I've been working.
I've been performing improv.
I bought a hat. (It's a great hat.)

I went home for Thanksgiving and it was awesome! I went shopping on Black Friday and it was awesome. We spent 30 minutes looking for a parking space and it was awesome! I spent an outrageous amount of money and it was awesome! I had leftover turkey with gravy and stuffing and it was awesome! The awesometude of the awesomeness was of such an awesomnity that you would have been blinded by sheer awesomation. I am not overstating this.

Why? you're thinking. Because I NEVER get to go shopping on Black Friday. I'm always rushing back to the store (no matter where I've lived) in order to open or close and work ridiculous hours, while my family plans Black Friday hunting and finds great deals, and later talks about how they love their new things, while wolfing down a turkey and cranberry sandwich made on a leftover roll, with a little bit of homemade noodles mushed in, because my family is weird and mixes carbs like that. I missed that EVERY year. This year, I ate that sandwich with GUSTO! And I don't even like cranberry.

It's my year, baby. I have decided. I never thought when this year started that it would have ended so well, but it did. It is the year of Ginger. And ... it is awesome.

P.S. Casey says that the movie should be finished by end of Jan. Exciting!