Saturday, June 19, 2010


Sorry - I'm not resigning my lease; I'm re-signing my lease.

Funny, cause that whole last post was about jobs and stuff. Hunh. Freudian much?

I was reading the blog of a friend and I realized that I don't really write funny stuff any more. I wonder if I am all out of funny. I think one of the main reasons for this is because I'm trying to get away from sarcastic writing. It doesn't always come across and when it doesn, it just seems so snarky. I don't want to be that kind of writer. There's so much of that out there on the internet - nit-picky snarkists who do nothing but slam everything with what they think is sarcastic humor. Sigh.

It's like when we were kids and we thought we were better than whatever we mocked.
Mocking = derision = derivative = beneath us. It's a simple, logical equation.

But no more! I don't like it. And I don't want to do it. So I therefore challenge myself. I will write funny stuff that is NOT derisive. How, you ask? Good question. Because so many people deserve it.

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