Monday, June 15, 2009

Why not dance this year's final dance ... to the Pachanga?

well, I haven't been exercising much, but if it's any consolation, I haven't been eating much either. I've started taking Claritin because of the pollen and discovered that it all but kills my appetite and leaves me with cotton mouth all day. Actually, it might not kill my appetite; perhaps it's the millions of mints and breath fresheners that I use throughout the day because I have cotton mouth. I feel like I have morning breath all day long. It's gross. In other news, it's been raining a lot lately, so I haven't made it to the river.
I am prepping for a big sale at work and I'm determined to be #1 in the division. I know that it'll take a lot of preparation, which I've done, and a lot of follow-thru, which I suck at. So we'll see how it goes. Wish me luck. Other than that, work is going ok.
I haven't devoted much time to my other pursuits, i.e. studying for the GMATs but perhaps I'll really get to it after the sale.
Finally, I'm going to San Diego at the end of the month for Kalpana's 35th b-day celebration and pachanga. I don't exactly know what a pachanga is (except for a brief reference in Dirty Dancing) but I'm looking forward to it. Shhhh, don't tell Kalp, it's a surprise.

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