Thursday, June 25, 2009

Two years in Massachusetts today!

No exercise this week, due to the never ending rain. I'd like to say that I was depressed by it (yes, that's weird, I know) because that would mean that I was aware of the weather instead of being cooped up at work all day, where I have no knowledge of the outdoors.
I had a big week a work this week, while also preparing for a big sale. So I am in much need of a lil' vacation. Hence ...
I am off to San Diego tomorrow and looking forward to it immensely! I promise lots of pics of the new babies.
When I get back, I mean to devote a lil' more time to dating. Now that summer is here (even with the rain), it'd be nice to be social once again.
In other news, my mother leaves for Korea on Saturday. I'm a lil' worried what with the crazies in North Korea and their nuclear capacities. It's like they decided that they were bored so they'd scare the world a lil' bit. What they couldn't wait two months until my mother was back home safe?
And finally, RIP Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett. Michael Jackson did not look 50 and Farrah Fawcett did not look 62, and in different ways. But they were icons. How many of us can be that?

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