Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The most wonderful time of the year

Yeah, so I haven't updated in a while. I almost did it at work, but I thought better of it. Besides, very busy there what with the holidays and all.
I myself have been busy. I am LOVING my new improv troupe. They're a bunch of "guys" and that's actually pretty fun. Very supportive and conversational in that fantastical improvical way, that's just makes you have a crush on EVERY guy you meet that does improv. Some of you may not know what I mean, but trust me, it's a wonderful world when that's the case. My first show went pretty well, and I got a couple of compliments. It meant especially a lot to me that the rest of the troupe complimented my performance, because then I feel like I'm doing my part. They are hysterical and dying to learn my real age.
I'm also volunteering still. I've changed locations and the new location has a very different dynamic with the kids. To be honest, it's a lot harder now, but it makes me think that they really need good people and what I do there is that much more important because of it. So I'm sticking it out to see what can be accomplished.
I'm also prepping for the holidays. I've done a lot of my holiday shopping already (a FIRST for me!). I've got my tickets home. Ill be there two WHOLE days this time, so that's good.
AND I finally took care of my car. Got new tires and replaced the timing belt. Ready for the winter. In addition, Dec 24 is my LAST car payment! I'm so excited. What will I do with an additional $289 a month?
Oh yeah, pay for my tooth! That's right! Yeah, I get the screw put into my jaw on Dec 17. Wish me luck! God, I hope they knock me out for that.
And lastly, no dating lately. Sad, but true. Enh, I really can't devote that much to it during the holidays, especially with work. And, now with the improv and volunteering, it's near impossible. I'm exhausted. I can't even find the time to order new checks. Seriously.

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