Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Pecan Piiiiiiiiiiiiieee. Pecan Piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeee.

So working two jobs interferes with going to the gym regularly - that's what I found out. Boo. I am so tired when I get home from work or before going to work (whatever the case may be) that I just don't wanna go. I can't work up any enthusiasm whatsoever. When I only had the one (low-paying) job, it was easy to get enthusiastic about working out because I guess I just didn't have anything else to do that wouldn't cost any money.
Now I have lots of money and no time to spend it.
Well, not lots of money - I really should be paying off those bills.
I've been venturing into the world of stocks. Ever since I cashed some out to pay for this past summer, I've been playing around in it. I'll let you know how it turns out.
For now, I am planning a trip home for Thanksgiving. It should be fun. And they are serving both turkey and ham.
I did get a new phone - it's not much and it's not smart. I'm saving up to get a Samsung Galaxy Tab but I want to play with it a little more to make sure that I'll like it. No sense spending all that money on it, if I don't like using it.
The New Job is going great, but it's so different from old job. They did give me a laptop - a MAC! I'm relearning computers. "You must unlearn what you have learned," says Yoda. It's mine to take home and whatever. God, why do they have so much trust in me? Does every job do this?
Today, I have to go get a pie. It's from the baker in my improv troupe. It's pecan. Yum.

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