Sunday, January 27, 2008

I'm melting! Oh my beautiful wickedness!

I am truly weirded out by the weirdest thing, which really honestly seriously weirds me out even more.
It's so weird to me that the snow never melts. I didn't think that it would be the kind of thing that would bother me, but I hate when I'm driving down the road and I see all the snow still piled on the side of the street from snow that we had two weeks ago. Why doesn't it melt? I mean, I know why, but ... it needs to melt! It bothers me. Or when I go the the grocery store and there's a big pile of snow taking up several good parking spaces. Melt, dammit, melt! Why ... I mean ... it's still here! MELT!!!
It doesn't matter anyway, because it's snowing again today.

All day.

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