Wednesday, July 28, 2010

My family's version of stress relief

Last week, I was talking to my sister about how stressed I was about not being able to find a new job yet. She was saying how stressed she is at her job. So I suggested that we open our own business, like a store.

Then she started telling me a story about someone at her job who did something wimpy. I can't remember who said what, but the conversation went basically like:

"Do you know where he can buy kahunas?"
"Yeah, cause he needs to get a pair!"

A funny story, and it led me to suggest that we should open a store that sells shoes called "Kahunas." Kim said that the name of the store should be "Get A Pair." I told her that the design of the shoes should be like oxfords with tassels, only instead of tassels ... well, you get the idea. It would be very successful. Our target customer would be the business-type, you know, career-oriented, people who need power clothes and matching accessories. We would sell both men's and women's shoes. At the end of every transaction, we could say, "Now everyone will know that you got a pair," or "Hope you have fun with your Kahunas!"

That's us - just trying to make the world a better place, one pair at a time.

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