Saturday, January 2, 2010

Plan A vs. Plan B?

Ok, so would you like an update on the form vs. function debate? Here is what I've discovered now that I've thoroughly researched the situation.

Gym memberships can range between $50-$80/month. Good gyms, reasonable prices. One drawback is yearly contracts, but there are options for month to month. There's a YMCA near work that might be a good, or a Boston Sports club near home that would be good. So lots of options.

GMAT prep courses? Take a wild and crazy guess at the price. Go ahead. Guess! Now check it out.

So the plan* is:
1) join a gym
2) slim down and look great
3) meet a guy who makes a decent living
4) fall in love and marry him
5) have kids with him
6) give up my first born to pay for the GMAT prep course.

Cause that's the only way that's happening.

*the alternative plan is:
1) go to a gym

2) work on arms and legs
3) give one of each to pay for the course.
This plan is not attractive, since it could severely cut my chances at meeting a guy.

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