Friday, March 13, 2009

Last Operations under the venue of the shopping center known as the mall,

Breakfast: none ... which would technically make
Snack: = breakfast: 1 banana muffin, 1 small coffee with cream and Splenda
Lunch: McDonalds cheeseburger, small fries, apple dippers, and large coke

20 minute walk around the mall, which really just led to me shopping in stores. Very dangerous. On the upside, the walk kept me updated on what new stores are in the mall. On the downside, there are no new stores in the mall and less of the old stores. Yikes, the recession is hitting hard.

Dinner: 2 pieces of pizza (gourmet pizza bought by roommate) and bottle of coke.
Lots of water.

Today was a good day at work. I actually did a lot of walking today. AND, I would like to point out, JEN, that it was in brand new shoes. (So was the walk around the mall). That's gotta account for at least 5% more calories burned.

I had a new employee start today and I got the chance to train her really well. Normally, I get new employees right when I'm busiest, hence the reason that I need new employees. But it also means that I don't really have the time to devote to training. But today, I got to give a full tour of the store; we visited all the right departments; I went over the entire stockroom. I'm sure she thinks it was overwhelming, but hopefully, she'll remember it if it's ever mentioned again. There's more training for her tomorrow. And I have another new employee that I hope works out. He was supposed to be there today but ...

Check out my friend's husband's new movie coming out in Japan. The trailer is on Facebook.

It's so weird to think that the Americans are the bad guys.

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