Saturday, March 7, 2009


Breakfast: A couple of swigs of Kefir yogurt; a ham & cheese croissant; small coffee with half and half and Splenda.

Today I taught 4 kids how to tie their shoes. It was exhausting. And really, mothers shouldn't try to help.

Lunch: (McDonalds) cheeseburger, small fries, apple dippers with caramel, large coke.

My roommate came to see me at work and was completely blown away by how awesome we are.

Snack: bottle of water

I ended up staying at work until 8 pm. OMG, my feet hurt. And while I didn't technically walk around the mall, 10 straight hours of selling shoes (not to mention the hour and a half of teaching kids to tie their shoes) has to count for exercise.

Dinner: a can of Ravioli, water.

I'm beat. I'm going to bed.

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