Monday, March 9, 2009

They didn't believe that I minored in Chemistry.

Ooooooooohhhh. Today was bad.

Breakfast: 3 swigs of kefir yogurt before work, water. 2 donuts at work, small coffee with cream and splenda, 1 glass of crystal light ice tea. (provided for the manager planning meeting)

Lunch: 2 pieces of sbarro sausage pizza, 1 bottle of coke, 2 glasses of lemonade. (provided for the manager planning meeting also)

(the manager planning meeting was a lot of sitting.)

Dinner: TGIFridays sirloin steak with mashed potatoes and wild mushroom gravy, 2 blue moon beers, 2 glasses of water, and a chocolate peanut butter cheesecake. (necessary after the manager planning meeting)

But I got to hang with Jessica and Kati, so that was fun.

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