Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Fasten your seat belts. It's going to be a bumpy night.

Ok - I had today off.

Breakfast: small bowl of raisin bran, 2% milk, and kefir yogurt
3 mile walk, very brisk, along the river, nice weather out
Snack: some cottage cheese, a piece of cheddar cheese, lots of water (my hands started swelling during the walk)
55 minute massage, thank you very much.
Lunch: Chipotle burrito, small coke
Watched All About Eve - This is a wonderful movie with perhaps the cleverest dialogue ever. If you appreciate really smart humor, please watch it.
Dinner: Donkatsu (japanese pork cutlets, breaded and deep-fried) served with raw cabbage and donkatsu sauce (the nectar of the gods). I also had it with a little rice and white wine.

I'm trying to ease off of the caffeine temporarily to do a little cleanse of my body's toxins. I don't know how successful I'll be, since I'm not really a health nut of any kind and using words like "cleanse" and "toxins" is extremely awkward for me, but ... we'll give it a go.

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